Welcome to GFWC-Battle Ground

General Federation of Women’s Clubs

We are the Good Friends Who Care


Example: 2021 GFWC Nationwide Community Service Totals


Number of Projects:             82,818.00

Volunteer Hours:                4,916,495.11

Dollars Donated:               $8,497,117.01

In-Kind Donations:        $8,653,784.86

Dollars Raised:                 $8,427,047.60

Dollars Spent:                  $2,097,928.86


2021 GFWC-Battle Ground Totals

Number of Projects:                         69

Volunteer Hours:                        2,393

Club Dollars Donated:             $2,288

In-Kind donations:                   $6,140


GFWC Serves Locally and Beyond

How doe$ the club choo$e to $pend money

from it$ fundrai$er$?

Most expenditures come from profits from the Ladybug Bazaar.

Money is spent on projects within GFWC's five community service programs.

Clubs choose their own projects according to needs and practicality.

To learn more about GFWC's projects, go to GFWC.org.

The 5 GFWC Community Service Programs

and examples of a few of this club's choices

• Arts & Culture

     The Ladybug Bazaar is an arts and crafts event. Vendors may sell only hand-crafted items and reside within the county. In this way the club provides a venue for local artisans to showcase their creativity and shoppers appreciate the quality and array of wares. The latest cultural project was to publish a booklet on the history of Battle Ground Lake prior to becoming a state park; when it was a lively resort and entertainment center.

• Civic Engagement

     Members become aware of community issues and invite local speakers to share the community's stories. Members sign up for GFWC's Legislative Hotline offering connections to national politicians for citizen input on issues. It is not unusual to see club members at City Council meetings to keep up with events and changes in our growing city.

• Education and Libraries

     The club built and maintains a registered Little Free Library and is a member of Friends of the Library. The club supports student achievements and gives an annual scholarship to a high school senior girl. Members also volunteer at library's Friends' used book store.

• Environment

     Club members practice environmental stewardship and have donated to a local botanical garden operated by volunteers.

• Health and Wellness

     Support is given to the local Food Bank and members have individual fitness programs. Donations are made to national and worldwide organizations such as Canine Companions, Heifer International and Shot@Life.

In addition to these five programs GFWC's ongoing Signature Project:

• Domestic Violence and Sex Violence Awareness and Prevention

     This year GFWC-Battle Ground planted its fourth "Pinwheels for Prevention" pinwheel garden to bring awareness to child abuse.

GFWC Partners With Other Organizations

Club members have the opportunity to add their time and talents to the efforts of several well-established national nonprofits while "Living the Volunteer Spirit." To learn more visit the websites of:

• Canine Companions -- canine.org, search GFWC

• Heifer, Women's Empowerment Project -- heifer.org/gfwc, search GFWC

• March for Babies, GFWC Pep Rally Presentation -- marchforbabies.org

• March of Dimes, NICU Costume Pattern -- volunteer.marchofdimes.org, button: National Service Partners

• March of Dimes, Toolkit -- marchofdimes.org, drop menu:Tools

• March of Dimes, Blanket Challenge Fact Sheet -- marchofdimes.org

• Operation Smile, Service Projects Toolkit -- operationsmile.org

• St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Making Mask Straps for St. Jude Patients -- stjude.org

• St. Jude Regional Offices -- stjude.org

• St. Jude Wish List -- stjde.org