Welcome to GFWC-Battle Ground

General Federation of Women’s Clubs

We are the Good Friends Who Care

Is GFWC something new?

No. GFWC is over 125 years young, forming in New York on April 24, 1890! Washington State was formed soon after in 1896. Clubs in the federation soon became known in towns  the country as “the woman’s club.” The first GFWC club in Battle Ground was the Silver Star Junior Woman’s club formed in 1965. In 1972 a second club was formed, GFWC - Battle Ground. GFWC - Silver Star Juniors merged with the newer club in 1975 to form one club. 

What is the object of GFWC?

To serve, improve, and enhance the community in which club members live as well as enrich their lives. This is accomplished through service projects and presentations by speakers on topics of concern or special interest to members. The club takes every opportunity to have FUN while serving its community! Social time precedes meetings.

When are meetings held?

Regular meetings are held twice a month, usually on the second and fourth Thursday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. There is one meeting in June and no regular meetings in July and August although special activities might be held during those months. Because of the holidays, only one meeting is held in November and December.

Is the group affiliated with any political or religious group?

No. Programs might introduce and discuss community issues, but the club does not align itself with any political party. Prince of Peace church offers use of their fellowship hall at no charge because the club is a community service group.  GFWC is one of the world's largest and oldest non-denominational, nonpartisan, international volunteer service organizations of women.

How many members belong to the club?

About 20-25. Today’s women are more mobile so membership changes. New members and visitors are always welcome.

Are members in the work force, or are they retired?

Members have or have had many different kinds of occupations. All are welcome --  working mothers, working grandmothers, partially retired, completely retired, and never worked outside the home. Current and former occupations include real estate, flight attendant, insurance, education, the health field, and event planning. Everyone fits in GFWC!

Do GFWC members belong to other organizations?

Yes. Members often belong to other social and civic groups. Among them are Friends of the Battle Ground Community Library, Battle Ground Art Alliance, PEO, AAUW, social clubs, bunco clubs, quilting clubs, RV clubs and professional organizations. Networking with other groups benefits everyone.

What is expected of members?

Members are asked to participate in the club’s main project, the Ladybug Bazaar in November and attend as many meetings as their schedules allow. We can all do together much more than can any one of us do individually.

Are there social obligations?

No. Socializing among members occurs during the refreshment time before meetings, but members are not obligated to entertain during the year beyond each taking a turn as hostess to provide snack-type refreshments at a meeting.

Where do members live?

There is no defined geographical area for membership. Most members, but not all, have Battle Ground addresses or live in the smaller communities and neighborhoods surrounding the city. Some members live "Down South" in the winter and in Clark County from spring to fall and leave for sunshine after the Ladybug Bazaar.

Could I meet members of other GFWC clubs?

There are two district conferences each year in Southwest Washington, two state meetings a year, a regional meeting once a year and an exciting international convention once a year. Club members are welcome to attend all of these gatherings. Members are not obligated to attend, but when they do, they meet new friends and share new ideas for volunteer projects. At the national convention in Omaha in 2010 a Washington State member from Tacoma, Carlene Garner, was installed as the international president of GFWC for a two-year administration. A GFWC - Battle Ground member has been a state president and has served as president of GFWC-Western States Region.

Is there a virtual club that is open to women who cannot attend meetings?

Yes. It is a Washington club and it "meets" through emails. Their name is GFWC Apple Blossom Club. You can find out more about them on their website https://gfwccomputerlink.wixsite.com/gfwcappleblossomclub or on facebook.

Do men join?

Men are welcome to attend any club meeting, however, many programs are of interest only to women. Meetings are often “the girls’ night out,” a brief time for a change of pace from the work scene and home duties. To date, no men have applied for membership in this club. Spouses and men friends do occasionally help us with much needed time and energy on specific projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

about GFWC - Battle Ground